Dear human being…

Change happens in an instant.

Although it may take several years of procrastination, it takes a milli-second to happen.

The moment it happens everything changes for good.

Thoughts change. You change. And the world around you changes.

To be honest…it all happens quickly.

Your career so far may have taken you to the cutting edge of your profession. Closer to the top than you ever imagined. Maybe you’ve enjoyed a varied career full of learning, change, and opportunity. You’ve probably learned a lot about people and a lot about yourself.

Even so, these days it feels more like surviving than thriving.

You’ve had enough. You’ve gone as far as you want to go – further in many ways. And now it’s your time for complete change.

What do you want to change? What do you want to start? What do you want to stop?

The most profound change is not in leaving your job.  Nor is it in making your next move. Change starts by showing up in a different way.

Stop hiding behind the “mask”.

Stop worrying about what people will think of you or what you’ve got to offer.

Stop blaming the boss. Stop depending on your job for your status in life. Stop accepting the status quo.

Instead, show up as your true Self.

Start leading in a new way. 

Start seriously flirting with new possibilities.

Start exposing yourself to new roles and relationships.

Most of all, take a big bold stand for what you truly believe you can uniquely offer.

Start experimenting and making new things happen.

Imagine the immense feeling of freedom and lightness as you finally, remove your blinkers and look at the world afresh.

As a result, you’ll see more. More interests. More opportunities. More engagement. More satisfaction. More love.

New possibilities magically reveal themselves without you having to work hard and search for them.

Showing up as your true “SELF” like this does not require a 3,000-word business case highlighting all the strategic issues involved.

It doesn’t require a board meeting to gain approval.

It doesn’t need a spreadsheet for rows and rows of costs and benefits detailed down to the bottom line.

Neither is a ten-point plan or personality change needed.

It just takes commitment. To yourself. No-one else.

Miraculously as you know deep down, you can achieve this in an instant.

Love from,

The Universe x

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